Friday, October 16, 2009

~ My new job description ~

Apparently, my job as an educator of today's youth includes dentistry.

Little M. came up to the student teacher yesterday to inform her that her tooth was hurting.

Ms. L gave the same response I would have given: "I'm so sorry. I know that's not fun. Since I can't really do anything about it, make sure you tell your mom tonight."

Today, M. told us her mom had a question for us. "She said to ask you if you're going to pay to get my tooth fixed since you didn't do anything about it."

Hmm. Like maybe pull out the novocain I keep stashed in the desk? Or maybe perform dental surgery right here and now? Because apparently it's now our job to educate, instill character, and keep track of every student's dental needs.

Because I need something else to do...

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