Friday, March 27, 2009

~ Top Five ~

Top Five signs that Spring Break is only days away:

5. When asked to get his reading book out of his desk, D. begins growling at me.

4. During math time, the boys manage to make a fraction game into a full contact sport.

3. Every set of directions is followed by someone asking, "Do we have to?"

2. Whispered arguments erupt during reading time over whether Spring Break is this coming week, or if we have one week of school left. A. finally settles it by interrupting me mid-sentence to ask if we have school on Monday or not.

.......and the number one sign that Spring Break is only days away......
Teachers with small, thin smiles passing each other in the hallway, reminding each other that we will make it to break with most of our sanity intact. Maybe.


Josephine said...

So is spring break this next week, or do you have one to suffer through yet? ;)

Gina said...

It starts Friday....four more days!