Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh, the thrills!

It's possible that teaching is the only profession in which you are guaranteed to get at least one Valentine's Day gift. Scratch that - teaching elementary is the only profession in which you are certain to get at least one gift.

Some of my favorite gifts today:
- the sugar! I've received no fewer than two mini-boxes of bonbons, two Reese's peanut butter cups, one cookie, eight Hershey's kisses, one packet of Skittles, three heart shaped suckers, and two Pixie sticks. Screw dieting. (at least for today!)
- An electric guitar shaped, leapord skin print valentine's card. I think it may be the absolute coolest card I've ever received
- Two very sweet cards from former students (sent in with their younger sister).
- an awkward encounter with a coworker. It was a little piece of Valentine's Day fun to watch her try to climb her way out of the hole she'd dug for herself. Sees me carrying flowers (sent to one of my students) down the hallway. Prances over and starts in, "Oh! Look at those! Oh, you lucky young bride, I mean, er, young person, uh, teacher, with, um....significant other person, er......"
- but the very best: A flaming golf ball tattoo. Seriously. I think I may wear it to dinner tonight, it's that cool.


Anonymous said...

Happy late Valentine's Day! Man, you got some fun stuff.

And, sorry, my friend...but you tear up at diamond commercials? Please tell me they aren't the Kay ones, because I HATE those. Every kiss begins with Kay--like you need a diamond to love someone. Grrr.

Anyway, hope you have a good weekend!

Gina said...

No - not the Kay commercials. Those are horrible. But there are other, better ones, without the jingles. And yes, I am, on occasion, girly enough to tear up during diamond commercials. Leave me alone :o)

SavvyD said...

I'm jealous. I teach high school and the kids aren't nearly as generous with their teachers by then. I did get a few things and then regifted one of them to the principal so she would think I got her something. ;) Hopefully I get a couple of kissass brownie poits. Thanks for stopping by my blog.