Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have one in my class who I am positive is out to torture me. She is the worst behaved girl (or boy, for that matter) in my room...mouthy, rude, name it. And she's begun coming to school late every single day.

School starts at 8 and every day I stand out in the hall to greet the kids. And every day the last kid trickles into my room and she is still not out there, scowling down the hallway, hiding behind her locker door. I wait until 8:10. I go inside to start on attendance and announcements. I begin to think, "maybe, just maybe, today will be the day she's absent...I'll be able to focus on some of the other 24 children who need my attention..." And then, inevitably, in she sulks...8:15, even 8:20 sometimes. The rise and fall of hope is nearly exhausting some mornings. Seriously, I should just expect her to be there, but it's like I can't stop hoping. For a break. For just one day. Just. One.

So maybe the military should talk to me about humane torture methods for prisoners of war, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can kind of skirt around the Geneva Convention guidelines in the military at the moment, at least as it regards treatment of prisoners, specifically torture. So I guess you're in luck!