Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It is well

As much as I disagree with some of the things my administrator does in the building, I'm always thankful that she is a woman with strong faith, and that we have that in common.

So this morning I'm walking through the building to my classroom anticipating
~what kind of mood my autistic child will be in
~filling out a lengthy narrative report on another student who should qualify for special ed, but probably won't
~having another meeting with another specialist dealing with my autistic student
~having to redo fully half of the writing notebooks I graded yesterday because our computerized grading system booted me off without saving what I'd already done
~on top of the large basket of papers I've not had time to grade yet.

As I'm walking, the music my principal plays in the hallways in the morning starts to seep in through the rest of the stuff of life and teaching...
"It is well with my soul."

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